Recording timetable

12th April Monday: record spot light scenes and check footage

13th Tuesday: record outside clips, make sure to check clips at site before leaving

14th Wednesday: record with people, casual (covid cancelled) just going to record hands of my self playing using angles

15th Thursday: record outside (able to get some shot in garden)

16th Friday: re record any scenes if possible and get ready for editing

Next week start editing

was able to get more outside shots after covid as i had some free time so i have more of a range of clips to use

demographic statistics,come%20from%20outside%20the%20US.

looking at as many official statistics from websites and who gets the most traffic on, gender, age and how popular each site is. this will help me chose a format that i want to go with. YouTube usually has people watching horizontal so I can record horizontal and since ill be recording in 4K if i want i can change the ratio or ill have to go out and record again.

Looking at other platforms

The first Instagram page I found uses the colored lightning same as Novocaine music video but also uses the colors of the Pepsi logo

This account caught my eye as they use the background to camouflage/ blend into the products.

Chess players and how they found chess

Carlsen, Magnus

The highest rated chess player rated in the world

Magnus Carlsen: 'You need to be very fortunate to be No 1 in fantasy  football' | Magnus Carlsen | The Guardian

He was taught by his father at the age of 5.

Fabiano Caruana,Center%20in%20Queens%2C%20New%20York.

he learned to play chess at an after school program

Hikaru nakamura

Hikaru Nakamura - Wikipedia

was interested in the game as a child as his brother played it alot. his family tried to keep him away from chess but he eventually started playing.

So there is alot of ways we can get the younger generation into chess.

flowers in chess

From a study, Flowers have an impact on happiness and long-term positive effect on moods. Even easing anxiety and depression.

so I started to look up flowers in chess and if I could find something that relates to it.
Chess Flower Sculpture by Vira Chernienko | Saatchi Art
Beautiful Sculptures Flowers Chess Pieces Close ⬇ Stock Photo, Image by ©  Minakryn #204574704

all of these photos are unique and interesting and could help me choose a location within my production.

The colour green

After looking at colour theorys i realised green had a strong connection with chess uses white/ light green and green squares because the theory behind is that green doesn’t cause as much strain on the eyes

while looking at colour theory, it gave me this new thing to think about when recording. especially since the colour can really change the mood of your video.

Green Apple Lemon Cucumber Ginger Smoothie - Skinnytaste
Create Health Food Ads In Minutes! | PosterMyWall

when searching for green i found alot of similar smoothy photos that would be full of greens, yellows, red, orange and pinks.

when looking at the posters, it reminded me of this powerful advert i found.

They use this Purple to create this mysterious substance with a really un-comforting sound that actually made me look at the body-washes i used and made me swap to soap.

then when they talk about their soup you can see the natural and green background that


sound is just as important as Visuals.

This Video is about a game animal crossing. it talks about the detail in sounds can create something really special.

Animal crossing sound design is meant to keep a user engaged. Because its such a long and grindy game

This showcases that when I’m listening to the waves you never feel like its the same sound and no sound is re-used, each wave is different, from sizzling warm foam to a short quiet wave. This in my opinion keeps the game fresh and new. From my analysis I could hear sounds such a person swimming, splashing, diving into the water too keep the sounds interesting with little details. they also Pan the audio from left head phone to the right with the waves. Its very slight but its there.

Natural sounds makes the brain reflects an outward-directed focus of attention. outward-directed focus of attention meaning that you focus what’s happening around you.

opposing natural is artificial sounds. which the brain reflects an inward-directed focus of attention, creating a feeling of anxiety and unsettling feeling.

this video explains nicely how a futuristic city at night can really make you feel on edge. The constantly zooming by cars echo and whistle by making this cold alien feel to it. making alot of mechanical sounds making me feel. somewhat making me think more and not really know whats happening without context or an image which can make you worry.

This video however, gives you alot of natural sounds such as birds, flowing water/ waterfall, sticks breaking every few minuets. These sounds everyone has heard of before and can breath and feel this calm atmosphere around them.

developing my ideas

first idea:

I would like to bring a competitive side and also show the casual side of chess as in my research of my quiz people want a relaxing casual experience. Most content i see of chess is the competitive side of it and i would like to bring the casual side up to date. Showing the competitive side as an intense high pressure scenes in a dark room such as the final scene in the queens gambit

The Queen's Gambit Does a Lot Well. Portraying Being a Woman in Chess Isn't  One of Them. - Ms. Magazine

and have the more casual look such as vat19 ad

second idea:

promote a chess cafe on the beach. can get some nice sea, beach caffe shots as the colours such as blue, yellow, gold. advertise chess, drinks and create this calm and relaxing atmosphere such as this photo

36 Best Beach Drinks to Order at All-Inclusive Resorts (+ Recipes!) |  Savored Journeys

as its a perfect opportunity where Lockdown has separated us it could bring us back together on this calm, relaxing atmosphere.

third idea:

Green. I was looking into the colour theory and i wanted to know why main colour is green. They also integrate the board itself as green.

It was because it causes less strain onto the eyes. This led me onto natural and nature as the colour green. I then want to get flowers and plants cutting to chess and having a message of a healthy mind and make the advert beautiful and interesting to look at. hopefully keeping people watching all the way through.

fourth idea:

keeping the same natural green idea as above i was thinking i could link it with a message about depression as it’s one of the most common health problems. giving more things to distract yourself with. linking the healthy green with this dark subject i think could create this powerful visual image with a powerful message. i was really inspired to do it from this video:

its something that detracts you and makes you think the main character is struggling but its actually his friend that is.

I also really like how they recorded the clips in this video as it just goes with the music so well. the tempo with the clips changing could be better but is still very powerful.

Over all i like all my ideas. Other things i need to think about:

-Think about the colour of, race, gender of the people i will use in my video

-where to shoot:

plantations, collage, streets/ gardens, forest near nsc, old rail road tracks.

Mental health messages

The whole video makes you think the main character is going through a hard time and is struggling but its his friend that in the end takes his life.

hearing other talk about what your going through can really help alot. when some of the adivce

this comedian takes depression and takes it seriously and shows how it can be funny sometimes

this message really hits hard as the facial expressions, camera angles, and pace similar to the queen gambit, really creates this powerful and emotion message. is one of the first youtubers that comes to mind when thinking about mental health. His videos entails a range of ideas and views helping younger people and also getting on YouTube influences that the younger people look up too and makes them realise that they’re not alone.

if i was to go for a mental health styled advert i feel like id need more time as 4 weeks is not enough time, id really want to perfect something that could have a big impact as you don’t want to mess up something as important as mental health.