demographic statistics,come%20from%20outside%20the%20US.

looking at as many official statistics from websites and who gets the most traffic on, gender, age and how popular each site is. this will help me chose a format that i want to go with. YouTube usually has people watching horizontal so I can record horizontal and since ill be recording in 4K if i want i can change the ratio or ill have to go out and record again.

Diary catch up

Week 2: still need to clean up “the kings gambit” page and chess museum needs more info and research.

Week 3: finish up research

Week 4: Getting abit confused with the criteria need to ask someone about it
Want to understand what im researching and link them all together and evaluate.

Week 5: start thinking about developments

Week 6: need to finish research and publish all posts so i can get ready for filming

Week 7: COVID-19 cannot film, do more research and refine work/ develop ideas

Week 8: COVID-19 cannot film, do more research and refine work/ develop ideas

Week 9: Can start filming

week 10: Edit

week 11:

Design cycle:

Recording timetable

12th April Monday: record spot light scenes and check footage

13th Tuesday: record outside clips, make sure to check clips at site before leaving

14th Wednesday: record with people, casual

15th Thursday: record with people, dark

16th Friday: re record any scenes if possible and get ready for editing

Next week start editing

My Posters

I took the idea of a winners podium and made it in chess. i think its a nice photo of some of the most important pieces in chess

This photo was inspired by a these photos of having the foreground blurred and the main subject in full HD. But i also wanted to keep my background colour so i just had the foreground blurred.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img_3133.jpg

The text was inspired by this Instagram page i looked at. I really like

Here I cut a bit of the access board and cropped the photo a bit so it ,

In these photos I wanted to take some photos that are inspired by chess posters promoting tournaments. the first thing I did was get my chess set and set up a photoshoot.


Opening scene

one light one turns on lighting up a chair (camera still)

the other seat lights up. (camera still)

The table lights up

A game thats been around for century’s

(This is the worse chess move in chess and the 5th and 1st players in the world played it recently and thats what makes chess entertaining as they take it serious but they can still have fun with it.)

a game that can will test your brain and develop ideas.

older than that blocky game Minecraft.

*short first person vr minecraft short*

We learn from each-other

Because of the Internet, chess is not about your nationality or your background. Anyone can get good now

Join us at where are you can find communities on all platforms such as discord, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.