
Chess players and how they found chess:


chess openings

colour grading and colour correction

Chess tournaments.

Chess tournaments


The Complete Guide to YouTube Ads for Marketers

Chess is popular in Russia


pawn promotion

The Kings Gambit

Article title:Executive Director | National Scholastic Chess Foundation
Website title:National Scholastic Chess Foundation


Inward Attention and Outward Attention

Journal Prompts for Focusing Inward vs. Focusing Outward

cross modal perception


Editing and final evaluation

My first edit was really inspired by Lofi/nightcore type of music videos as they loop and sometimes reverse it to create this really nice and satifying effect when done correctly.


i also wanted it to have a retro look to it as i took alot of inspiration from this music video

i made the decision to use this old vhs glitches effect and alot more edits and really nice transitions i really want to replicate and make my own. and maybe try implement a few more glitchy effects.

my video:

I also had in my mind the layout of the clips. I had a chess clip then a non chess clip that where very slow and relaxing feel to it. The style of the vhs tape would seem to attract the older generation, But also the older teens since most know about vhs tapes and older technology as the style is a interesting and underused style in my opinion.

my second edit was inspired by


all these videos use the rhythm in there own way and i love it.
Shaun of the dead uses the hitting of the zombie to create the drums in the background keeping the beat going.
baby driver uses the rhythm editing, not all the time, but in some really intense parts it really suits the scene well.
and finally the queens gambit uses these loud sounds to transition such as flashing cameras, making the background music sound louder.

it makes chess interesting by adding a story behind it while also promoting chess.

my edit:

Here i had the fast pace intense video that would attract people with people that wanted a challenge under pressure. The music i picked i think was a really nice choice as i use the banging to change clips and display text and at the end an action of the chess piece being put down.

Finally I mad the decision to use the colour green to be my dominant colour in the background as it already has a correlation to chess and It also helped getting across the message of a healthy mindset.

Peer reviews

i love it the editing matching the song well and i can tell that you spent a lot of time on planning and research my only change would be for when you where recording to have a steadier camera – Oliver King

I prefer commercial two far over commercial one. The second one focused more on the chess board and engaging camera angels while the first seemed to focus more on nature and nice views. The trick where you pulled the chess piece with the string made me grin from ear to ear so commercial two is my favourite – Bruno Harvey

Overall I think I’m very happy with the results and will probably do other projects in my free time. I think I could improve my planning so I can be more effective with the time I have.

Analysing my research

“The Queens Gambit”
This research really helped with if I was going to do a competitive and intense trailer. It showed me that Facial expressions can be proven to show very powerful emotions.

“The Kings Gambit”

A very well know youtuber, streamer and once 2nd best in the world. one of my favourite influences in chess, i wanted to look at how he got inspired to play. This got me to an interview with his farther who was a coach and from what i got out of it was that people, especially the younger generation, will do what they like. So giving them more and more ways to play could get someone in the community and interested.

This got me interested at looking at “Different types of chess” boards in the “Different types of chess” post

“Chess is popular in Russia”

From watching the Queens Gambit, Russia seemed like the big bad guy of chess and it made me research Russia’s history with chess. This gave me an insight of how its played and how it became so popular.

It also got me interested into a chess museum in Moscow, which displayed alot of history behind chess.

“market research”

if im able to get the questionnaire out earlier ill be able to help develop ideas

“The Nine Genres of Humor”

one of the thins people wanted was humorous and enjoyable video, so I researched humour styles. i can then in a future questionnaire narrow down what humour is wanted for teens.

“Looking at adverts”

from looking at genres of humour i decided to look at some well produced adverts such as ones from the super bowl that gets advertised to millions and analysed them this will help me write a script and insert jokes and help me build a structure.