advert project

for my advert i taped string to the bottom of the Pringles can.

i could then wrap the strig around the base so i could then pull it slowly towards the camera so i could speed it up to the speed i wanted.

this was my first draft, i think the music and cuts go well with the music but i completely skipped on the folly sounds. so in my next draft

overall i think my final product came out great. I feel like i could have learnt some adobe after effects and got a better quality video overall.

Changing my idea

The idea i first originally planned, i was to do alot outside. when it is winter its is cold and miserable and there is no way i can do it and have it look nice and the way i want it. I also found problems when i re watched it.

so im changing my idea linking to the game “Phasmaphobia” and a movie i resently watch on netflix called “Don’t Listen” they both has the same goal of solving, getting rid of a ghost and more.

ill need scenes of setting up cameras and other equipment

i need to build it up

researching about ghosts (see something about cameras)

first scenes is going to be slow, setting up cameras.

researching about ghosts (sees something about a ghost box

then when talking to the voice box i want the lights to flicker and it cut to black with spooky red eyes

a red herring

A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from the main objective.

Here is a great movie example of a red herring:

so we need to hide the real thing and try and cover it with

so my end plot is going to be this monster tracking you down with the person allowing to give the location of themself onto google maps or some site.

Ideas for red herrings:

sharp object on the path they are running on

tree thats about to fall

nearly gets hit by a car

something falls into the running shoe

Gimbal stabilizer

i got an opportunity to play with a gimbal stabilizer. If hold a camera with a hand and try and get a smooth sliding shot its going to be shaky and not look natural. with a Gimbal stabilizer if you do a sliding motion it will keep the camera smooth and can give off a nice mystical and magical feel like the Shrek musical trailer:
here you have all the options i got a chance to experiment and play with them
the “pf” realigns the axis and keeps it steady and the “L” makes it loose and you can control it. you control it with the big black and red joystick. the red dot making the camera record when clicked also with a focus and zoom wheel on the opposite side

but before you can use any of the buttens and mess around you have to use these levers to balance the camera otherwise the weight with unbalance the camera and wont work.

Finalising my short film idea

After a mind map and scraping my first idea about a one cut because of time

First person Horror film about not reading the allow pop up on your screen.

The basic trailer:

at the start it will start out as a normal life, waking up for a run and then getting ready for the day. They will then start walking and then he will access there phone and the a pop up will pop on the person will just click allow this will cause a pop up at the end of a trailer to to cover the screen with a glitching allow screen to end the scene. also the ratio will slowly be changing with a big cut at the end.

talking about my ideas

here me and Alex talked about about my ideas and


Awareness Video with Horror connotations

1 cut trailer or multiple cuts? (need to think about it)


Horror films

Video Games

Creepiness, Gore

Marbellas Adventure stories< Youtube


Genre mix. Youtube

Doom 1st person scene

Unfriended series

The Butterfly effect theory


Consider Storyboards

Consider 9 steps of making a short film (+Props, Actors)

Consider actors. Create isolation.

What’s your perspective (1st person)

location cast crew and equipment

Locations cast and equipment are all very important to plan ahead. For locations, you may need to rent or block off an area for filming. a simple location or wrong props can really make the scene just so much more better or worse.

Locations i can use:

House, apartment, any public area




Camera, tripod, editing software

location, cast, crew and equipment are super important in making i film or advert as you need to plan and organise the people

ideas for a final project

type of advert:

youtube advert: youtube adds can last for aslong as you want but 5 seconds to keep the person watching

instagram advert: make an instagram page, logo, products, story advertising, post advertisement. Stories video ads can only be 1-15 seconds long and in-feed instagram video ads can only be 1-60


the apex trailers are funny, long but keep you interested because of the 3 unique main characters and is action packed.


things to promote:

a game


new phone

new pc

Pc building site

new pc component

accessories bracelets, anklets,

new app

what makes an ad good?

you need the attention of the person by making an advert they will enjoy. while delivering information about the product:

keep it simple- don’t ramble, keep it short and the person with the little information they need

a simple likeable style

Don’t lie

be competitive with other companies ads

make it professional

Movie trailer

Horror- Zombie,

