The Kings Gambit

Executive Director | National Scholastic Chess Foundation

Sunil Weeramantry, He was a big start in chess as he was a big coach and chess programs such as Manhattan’s Hunter College Campus Schools, which he coached and made one of the youngest campions at that time. He was Hikaus  First Coach and His Stepfather was taught from his farther and thought it was a great way to spend time with his new wifes younger son.

he wasn’t just taught by his step dad as in chess its good to learn and get other people adivce

He specifically liked the game Bullet (a game where you have one minuet to checkmate the other person) and would only play it. Hikaru’s step dad said that Hikaru realised that he shouldn’t be playing blitz but his farther realised that there is no point in taking away the enjoyment of chess if you’ve put so many hours into the game so he kept playing it. to me he’s like a computer program. playing game after game after game very fast like a computer program learns through trial and error. His step farther had to, as a trainer, figure out his learning style and that’s the same with any person as they learn, play, think differently and what motivates them. Hikaru made a statment about how he learnt is like how the public educations system is flawed and that “a system where you force children to take tests” and “everyone doesn’t learn the same way”


Article title:Executive Director | National Scholastic Chess Foundation
Website title:National Scholastic Chess Foundation

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